Are Training Problems Bugging You?

Get apprentices up to speed with Pest Pro Academy.

Save time. Save money. Simplify training.

If apprentice education is bugging you, Pest Pro Academy can help. Our simple, affordable online training program is easy to use, with interactive lessons your apprentices can complete anytime, from anywhere. Our courses meet the Verifiable Training Requirements of the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Structural Pest Control Licensing program, keeping your apprentices safe, and your company compliant. Annual enrollment starts at just $176.17 per technician, for businesses with 10 or more enrollees. Learn more about our Program and About Us

How Can Pest Pro Academy Benefit You?


  • Spend More Time Working
  • Less Time Training
  • Increase Productivity
  • Improve Safety and Quality
  • Monitor Apprentice Progress
  • Print and E-mail Certificates
  • Free Management Account
  • Full Administrative Access
  • See What Apprentices are Learning

Business Owners

  • Spend More Time Working
  • Less Time Training
  • Increase Productivity
  • Improve Safety and Quality
  • Monitor Apprentice Progress
  • Print and E-mail Certificates
  • Free Management Account
  • Full Administrative Access
  • See What Apprentices are Learning


  • Train Anytime, from Anywhere
  • Work at Your Own Pace
  • Easy-to-Understand Lessons
  • Interactive Training with Games
  • Get Completion Certificates
  • See Results in Real Time
  • No Cost to Re-Take Courses
  • Review Completed Material

What is Pest Pro Academy?

Pest Pro Academy is an online pest management training program designed for small to medium-sized pest control companies. As the first online pest management training program offering administrative access to employers, we give you full access into what your apprentices are learning—including full course content, and visibility into each apprentice’s progress through our program. This enables you to see where apprentices may be struggling, and provide support as needed to help them understand key concepts. Before Pest Pro Academy, only large corporate pest management companies had access to this level of training. Now, companies of any size can enjoy streamlined, up-to-date, high quality online pest management training.

How the Training Works

We use simple, focused lessons taught in a laid-back environment, to help apprentices understand the concepts and skills needed to be successful pest management professionals. Apprentices who complete the program will have completed the Verifiable Training Component of the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Structural Pest Control Licensing program. Pest Pro Academy’s online format makes it easy for apprentices to train anytime, from anywhere, on any device with an Internet connection. Interactive games make courses more fun, while helping apprentices remember course material.

How Enrollment Works

Pest Pro Academy enrollment is provided on an annual subscription basis, with tuition starting at just $145.60 per technician, for businesses with 10 or more apprentices. (Detailed pricing below). Your annual subscription includes all the courses needed to complete the Verifiable Training Component of the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Structural Pest Control Licensing program, along with the ability to store, print and email certificates of completion. Each enrolled apprentice will receive a unique login, allowing them to access courses, complete lessons at their own pace, and track their progress as they go along. Managers receive complimentary administrative accounts, which can be used to monitor each apprentice’s enrollment, coursework, grades, certificates, and course completion information.

Itching to know more? Browse Our Course Catalog.

20 Hour General Standards

8 Hour Pest

8 Hour Termite

Safety Training


Priced to Fit the Size of Your Hive

Pest Pro Academy enrollment is provided on an annual subscription basis, with costs based on the number of technicians enrolled in our program. The more technicians you enroll, the lower the cost per technician. View the pricing chart below to calculate your enrollment costs.

Business Type Number of Technicians Annual Price per Technician
Individual 1 technician $251.68
Small Business 3 or more technicians $226.51 (10% discount)
Small to Medium Business 5 or more technicians $201.34 (20% discount)
Medium Business 10 or more technicians $176.17 (30% discount)

If you have more than 25 technicians, please call for a quote: (800) 680-6720.

All subscriptions are provided on an annual basis from the date you enroll.

Save Costs.

Improve Quality.

Pest Pro Academy has been a great training tool for completing our required classroom training hours. We feel like it is thorough and gives our trainees a base knowledge before they get into the field for on-the-job training.
E. Benson,