Is Boring Training Bugging You?
Try Pest Pro Academy..
At Pest Pro Academy, we know that people learn more when they are interested in the information they are learning. That’s why we make every lesson as engaging as possible. We use gamification to make lessons interactive, entertaining, and easy to remember. Apprentices become contestants in our Pest Pro Academy “Game Show,” and answer questions to earn points as they progress through the program. Here are a few screens from a sample lesson, to give you an idea of how our online lessons work.

Courses are designed to meet specific state curriculum requirements. This sample is from the Integrated Pest Man- agement: Rodents segment of our Apprentice 20-hour General Standards training module.

Each course begins with an agenda which clearly explains the course objectives and lets learners know what to expect. Company owners and managers can view content from any course, giving them an in-depth look at what their apprentices are learning.

From time to time, learners will be presented with a question screen, to gauge whether or not they are retaining the material being taught. Each question must be answered before progressing to the next screen. If the learner answers incorrectly, they will have an opportunity to try again, until they get the correct answer. Asking questions helps apprentices learn and remember content.

Here is another example of a content screen. This screen explains how different methods of non-rodenticide control work.

During the Game Show portion of the course, learners will receive points for every question answered correctly. In this example, the learner must answer at least three questions correctly before progressing to the next part of the lesson.

If a learner provides an incorrect answer during the Game Show portion of the course, they will have an opportunity to try again. At this point in the course, the focus is on helping the learner remember the information they are learn- ing, rather than testing their knowledge.
At the end of the course, learners will take a quiz, which will include all the questions that were asked in the games. Learners will not have the option to try again on quiz questions. They must answer 80% of the questions correctly in order to “pass” the course. However, learners will have one opportunity to re-take the quiz if they do not pass it the first time. If they fail a second time, they will be required to re-take the course. There is no additional charge to re-take the course, and learners may do so as many times as needed.